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Topology, Crystallized

1. Topological crystalline insulator states in Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Se. Authors: P. Dziawa, B. J. Kowalski, K. Dybko, R. Buczko, A. Szczerbakow, M. Szot, E. Lusakowska, T. Balasubramanian, B. M. Wojek, M. H. Berntsen, O. Tjernberg, T. Story. arXiv:1206.1705. 2. Observation of Topological Crystalline Insulator phase in the lead tin chalcogenide Pb1-xSnxTe material class. Authors: Su-Yang Xu, Chang […]

Superconductivity in a doped topological insulator

1. Superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3 and its implication for pairing in the undoped topological insulator Authors: Y.S. Hor, A.J. Williams, J.G. Checkelsky, P. Roushan, J. Seo, Q. Hu, H.W. Zandbergen, A. Yazdani, N.P. Ong and R.J. Cava, arXiv:0909.2890, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 057001 (2010). 2. Observation of unconventional band topology in a superconducting doped topological insulator, […]

Topological Band Insulators in two and three dimensions in spin-orbit coupled systems

A. Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Graphene Authors: A. C. Kane and G. Mele Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 226801 (2005) B. Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Topological Phase Transition in HgTe Quantum Wells Authors: A. Bernevig, T. Hughes, S.C. Zhang Science, 314, 1757 (2006) C. Topological invariants of time-reversal-invariant band structures Authors: J. […]

Organizers, Advisory Committee, and Correspondents in the last two years

Organizers: Alexander GrosbergNew York University Chandra M. Varma, Chief organizerEmeritus, University of California, Riverside Advisory Committee: Paul Chaikin, NYU Steven Girvin, Yale University Andrew Millis, Columbia University Correspondents in the last two years: Ram M. Adar, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | View Contributions | Daniel F. Agterberg , University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee […]

Hunting of the Spin-Liquids

1. Unconventional Magnetic Oscillations in Kagome Mott Insulators Authors: Guoxin Zheng, Yuan Zhu, Kuan-Wen Chen, Byungmin Kang, Dechen Zhang, Kaila Jenkins, Aaron Chan, Zhenyuan Zeng, Aini Xu, Oscar A. Valenzuela, Joanna Blawat, John Singleton, Patrick A. Lee, Shiliang Li, and Lu Li arXiv:2310.07989; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.07989 2. Dirac quantum spin liquid emerging in a kagome-lattice antiferromagnet […]

From monolayer back to bulk FeSe-based high-temperature superconductors

1. Surface electronic structure and isotropic superconducting gap in (Li0.8Fe0.2)OHFeSe. Authors: X.H. Niu, R. Peng, H.C. Xu, Y.J. Yan, J. Jiang, D.F. Xu, T.L. Yu, Q. Song, Z.C. Huang, Y.X. Wang, B. P. Xie, X. F. Lu, N. Z. Wang, X. H. Chen, Z. Sun, and D. L. Feng. Phys. Rev. B 92, 060504 (2015) […]

Incipient CDW Order in the Pseudo-Gap Phase of the Cuprates

1. Direct observation of competition between superconductivity and charge density wave order in YBa2 Cu3 Oy. Authors: J. Chang, E. Blackburn, A. T. Holmes, N. B. Christensen, J. Larsen, J. Mesot, Ruixing Liang, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, A. Watenphul, M. v. Zimmermann, E. M. Forgan and S. M. Hayden. arXiv:1206.4333. (Nat. Phys. published […]

The Fermi Surface of underdoped high-Tc superconductors

Quantum oscillations and the Fermi surface in an underdoped high-Tc superconductor Authors: Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, Cyril Proust, David LeBoeuf, Julien Levallois, Jean-Baptiste Bonnemaison, Ruixing Liang, D.A. Bonn, W.N. Hardy and Louis Taillefer Nature, 565 (31 May 2007). and Electron pockets in the Fermi surface of hole-doped high-Tc superconductors Authors: David LeBoeuf, Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, Julien Levallois, R. […]

