Search Results

Bias-Dependent Generation and Quenching of Defects in Pentacene

Authors: D. V. Lang, X. Chi, A. M. Sergent, A. P. Ramirez Recommended and Commentary by Peter Littlewood, Cambridge University. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_May04_02)

The effect of impurities on the mobility of single crystal pentacene

Authors: Oana D. Jurchescu, Jacob Baas, Thomas T.M. Palstra Recommended and a Commentary by Don Monroe. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_May04_03)

Unsteady Crack Motion and Branching in a Phase-Field Model of Brittle Fracture

Authors: A. Karma and A. E. Lobkovsky Recommended and a Commentary by Wim van Saarloos, Institute-Lorentz, Leiden University. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_May04_04)

Visualizing Chemical Reactions in solution by Picosecond X-Ray Diffraction

Authors: A.Plech, M. Wulff, S. Bratos, F. Mitloup, R. Vuilleumier, F. Schotte and P. A. Anfinrud. Phy. Rev. Lett. 92 (12) 125505-1-4 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by: Steve Berry, University of Chicago. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Apr04_02)

Ultrasensitive nanoelectromechanical mass detection

Authors: K.L. Ekinci, X.M.H. Huang, and M.L. Roukes Recommended and a Commentary by: Albert Migliori, Los Alamos National Laboratory. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_March04_03)

Microwave oscillations of a nanomagnet driven by spin-polarized current

Authors: S.I. Kiselev, J.C. Sankey, I.N. Krivorotov, N.C. Emley, R.J. Schoelkopf, R.A. Buhrman, and D.C. Ralph Recommended and a Commentary by: Barbara Jones, IBM Research Labs., Almaden. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Mar04_02)

Supramolecular dendritic liquid quasi-crystals

Authors: Authors: X.Zeng et al. Nature, Vol. 428, 571 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by Veit Elser, Cornell University. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Mar04_01)

Signatures of spin-charge separation in double–quantum-wire tunneling

Authors: Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, Bertrand I. Halperin, Ophir M. Auslaender, Amir Yacoby Recommended and a Commentary by Thierry Giamarchi, University of Geneva. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Feb04_01)

Nanoshell-mediated near-infrared thermal therapy of tumors under magnetic resonance guidance

Authors: L.R. Hirsch et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 13549–13554 (November 11, 2003) Recommended and a Commentary by: Claire Gmachl, Princeton University. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Feb04_02)

High Resolution Study of Magnetic Ordering at Absolute Zero

Authors: M. Lee, A. Hussman, T.F. Rosenbaum and G. Aeppli Recommended and a Commentary by: Chandra Varma, University of California, Riverside and Bell laboratories. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Feb04_03)

Some Remarkable Developments in Bose-Einstein condensation of Molecules

A.  “Bose-Einstein Condensation of Molecules” Authors: S. Jochim, M. Bartenstein, A. Altmeyer, G. Hendl, S. Riedl, C. Chin, J. Hecker Denschlag, R. Grimm B.  “A Molecular Bose-Einstein Condensate Emerges From a Fermi Sea” Authors: Markus Greiner, Cindy A. Regal, and Deborah S. Jin C.  “Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Molecules” Authors: M.W. Zwierlein […]

1. Single spin- and chiral-glass transition in vector spin glasses in three-dimensions / 2. Critical Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Ising Spin Glass

1. Single spin- and chiral-glass transition in vector spin glasses in three-dimensions Authors: L. W. Lee and A. P. Young Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 227203 (2003) 2. Critical Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Ising Spin Glass Author: Ballesteros, et al. Phys. Rev. B 62, 14237 (2000) Recommended and a Commentary by: David Huse, Princeton […]

Universal and wide shear zones in granular bulk flow

Authors: Denis Fenistein, Jan Willem van de Meent, Martin van Hecke cond-mat/0310409 Recommended and a Commentary by: Sidney Nagel, University of Chicago. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Jan04_03)

1. Conductance of a quantum wire in the Wigner crystal regime / 2. Non-unitary spin-charge separation in a one-dimensional fermion gas

1. Conductance of a quantum wire in the Wigner crystal regime Authors: K. A. Matveev 2. Non-unitary spin-charge separation in a one-dimensional fermion gas Authors: V. V.Cheianov and M. B. Zvonarev Recommended and a Commentary by: Bertrand I. Halperin, Harvard University. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Dec03_02)

Local manipulation of nuclear spin in a semiconductor quantum well

Authors: Poggio M. Steeves GM. Myers RC. Kato Y. Gossard AC. Awschalom DD cond-mat/0306012 Physical Review Letters. 91, 207602 (2003) Recommended and a Commentary by: Lu Sham, University of California, San Diego. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Dec03_03)

Thermodynamic spin magnetization in silicon inversion layers

Authors:O.Prus, Y.Yaish, M.Reznikov, U.Sivan and V.M.Pudalov Phys. Rev. B67, 205407 (2003) cond-mat/0209142 Recommended and a Commentary by: Teun Klapwijk, University of Delft. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Nov03_01)

Conformal Field Theories in Random Domain and Stochastic Loewner Equations

Authors: Authors: Ilya A. Gruzberg and Leo P. Kadanoff Recommended and a Commentary by Dima Khlemnitski, University of Cambridge. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Nov03_03)

Generalized Bose-Einstein phase transition in large-m component spin glasses

Authors: T. Aspelmeier and M. A. Moore Recommended and a Commentary by Subir Sachdev, Yale University | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Nov03_04)

Crystal Structure of the Sodium Cobaltate Deuterate Superconductor NaxCoO2.4xD2O

Authors: J. D. Jorgensen, M. Avdeev, D. G. Hinks, J. C. Burley, S. Short Recommended and a Commentary by Zachary Fisk, University of Florida, Tallahassee | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_oct03_04)

A Class of P,T-Invariant Topological Phases of Interacting Electrons

Authors: Michael Freedman, Chetan Nayak, Kirill Shtengel, Kevin Walker, Zhenghan Wang Recommended and a Commentary by Matthew Fisher, University of California, Santa Barbara | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_oct03_03)

