Search Results

Interacting electrons in disordered quantum wires: Dephasing and low-T transport

Authors: I.V. Gornyi1, A.D. Mirlin and D.G. Polyakov Recommended and Commentary by Thierry Giamarchi, University of Geneva. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Dec04_02)

Metal-insulator-semiconductor optoelectronic fibres

Authors: Mehmet Bayindir et al. Nature vol. 431, 826 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by Claire Gmachl, Princeton University. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Dec04_03)

Viscous Entrainment from a Nozzle: Singular Liquid Spouts

Authors: W. W. Zhang Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 , 184502 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by Raymond Goldstein, University of Arizona, Tucsan. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Nov04_01)

Evidence of condensation of Fermion pairs in dilute Fermi gases near Feshbach resonance

1. Observation of Resonance Condensation of Fermionic Atom Pair Authors: C. A. Regal, M. Greiner, and D.S. Jin Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 220403. (2004) 2. Observation of the Pairing Gap in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas Authors: C. Chin, M. Bartenstein, A. Altmeyer, S. Riedl, S. Jochim, J. Hecker Denschlag, and R. Grimm Science 20, […]

Superconductivity in a pyrochlore-related oxide KOs2O6

Authors: S. Yonezawa, Y. Muraoka, Y. Matsushita and Z. Hiroi J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, 357 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by Wataru Koshibae and Sadamichi Maekawa, Tohoku University, Sendai. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Nov04_03)

Quantum Phase Transitions out of the Heavy Fermi liquid

Authors: T. Senthil, S. Sachdev and M. Vojta Recommended and a Commentary by Matthew Fisher, University of California, Santa Barbara.  | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Oct04_01

Are all ferromagnetic phase transitions at low enough temperature first order? Case of Itinerant Ferromagnet ZrZn2

Authors: M. Uhlarz, C. Pfleiderer, and S. M. Hayden Recommended and Commentary by S. Paschen, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden. | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Oct04_02

Phyllotactic Patterns on Plants

Authors: P. D. Shipman and A. C. Newell Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 168102 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by Wim van Saarloos, Lorentz Institute, University of Leiden. | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Sep04_03

Observation of Superflow In Solid Helium

Authors: E. Kim and M H W Chan Nature, vol. 427, 225 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by P.W. Anderson, Princeton University.  | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Sep04_01)

Simple swimmer at low Reynold number: Three linked spheres

Authors: A. Najafi and R. Golestanian Phys. Rev. E 69, 062901 (2004) Recommended and Commentary by Mehran Kardar, MIT. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Sep04_02)

1. Spin-current and spin accumulation in 2d spin-orbit coupled systems with impurities / 2. Spin-Hall effect in a disordered 2D electron-system

1. Spin-current and spin accumulation in 2d spin-orbit coupled systems with impurities Authors: E.G. Mischenko, A. V. Shytov and B.I. Halperin 2. Spin-Hall effect in a disordered 2D electron-system Authors: R. Raimondi and P. Schwab Recommended and a Commentary by Alexander Punnoose, Bell labs and Chandra Varma, Bell labs and University of California, […]

Dissipation less Anomalous Hall Current in the Ferromagnetic Spinel CuCr2Se4-xBrx

Authors: Wei-Li Lee, Satoshi Watauchi, V.L. Miller, R.J. Cava and N.P. Ong Science 303, 1647, (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by J.R Cooper, Physics Department, University of  Cambridge.  | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Aug04_01)

One-dimensional bosons and Fermions in Optical traps

Authors: B. Paredes Nature 429, 277 (2004); M. Kohl et al. (and T. Stoferle et al. PRL 92 130403 (2004)); T. Kinoshita, T. Wenger and D.S. Weiss Science 2004 0:11007001-0. Recommended and Commentary by Thierry Giamarchi,  University of  Geneva. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Aug04_02)

1. Dipolar spin correlations in classical pyrochlore magnets / 2. Power-law spin correlations in pyrochlore antiferromagnets

1. Dipolar spin correlations in classical pyrochlore magnets Authors: S. V. Isakov, K. Gregor, R. Moessner, S. L. Sondhi 2. Power-law spin correlations in pyrochlore antiferromagnets Author: C. L.Henley Recommended and a Commentary by Subir Sachdev, Yale University | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Aug04_03)

Spin-Separation in Cyclotron Motion

Authors: L. P. Rokhinson, Y. B. Lyanda-Geller, L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West Recommended and a Commentary by Bertrand I. Halperin, Harvard University.  | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Jul04_01)

Topological nature of polarization and charge pumping in ferroelectrics

Authors: Onoda, S. Murakami, and N. Nagaosa Recommended and a Commentary by David Vanderbilt, Rutgers University.  | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Jul04_03)

Why Do Gallium clusters Have a Higher Melting Point than the Bulk?

Authors: S. Chacko, K. Joshi, D. G. Kanhere and S. A. Blundell Phys. Rev, Lett. 92(13) 135506-1-4 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by Steve Berry, University of Chicago. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Jun04_01)

Superconductivity in diamond

Authors: E. A. Ekimov, V. A. Sidorov, E. D. Bauer, N. N. Mel’nik, N. J. Curro, J. D. Thompson, S. M. Stishov Nature 428, 542 (2004) Recommended and Commentary by Zachary Fisk, University of California, Davis. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Jun04_02)

Nanohydrodynamic simulations: An atomistic view of the Rayleigh Taylor instability

Authors: Kai Kadau, Tomothy C. Germann, Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou, Peter S. Lomgahl, Guy Dimonte, Brad Lee Holian, and Berni J. Alder PNAS Vol 101 pages 5851-5855 (2004) Recommended and a Commentary by Leo Kadanoff, University of Chicago. | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_Jun04_04)

Tunable Non-local Spin Control in a Coupled Quantum Dot System

Authors: N. J. Craig, J. M. Taylor, E. A. Lester, C. M. Marcus, M. P. Hanson, A. C. Gossard Recommended and a Commentary by Elihu Abrahams, Rutgers University | View Commentary (pdf) | (JCCM_May04_01)

