Singular Fermi-Liquids from Duality of Field Theories to Theories of Gravity

1. Emergent quantum criticality, Fermi surfaces, and AdS2.

Authors: Thomas Faulkner, Hong Liu, John McGreevy, David Vegh

arXiv:0907.2694; arXiv:0903.2477

2. Fermions and the AdS/CFT correspondence: quantum phase transitions and the emergent Fermi-liquid.

Authors: Mihailo Cubrovic, Jan Zaanen, Koenraad Schalm.


Recommended with a Commentary by Elihu Abrahams, Rutgers, Andrew Cohen, Boston University and Chandra Varma, University of California, Riverside. | View Commentary |


Observation of a novel orbital selective Mott transition in Ca1.8Sr0.2RuO4

Authors: M. Neupane, P. Richard, Z.-H. Pan, Y. Xu, R. Jin, D. Mandrus, X. Dai, Z.Fang, Z. Wang, and H. Ding


Recommended with a Commentary by Atsushi Fujimori, University of Tokyo | View Commentary |


Patterning in Bacteria

Spatial Regulators for Bacterial Cell Division Self-Organize into Surface Waves in Vitro

Science 320 789-792 (2008)

Authors: Martin Loose, Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich, Jonas Ries, Karsten Kruse and Petra Schwille

Recommended with a commentary by Martin Howard, The John Innes Centre, UK  | View Commentary |


X-ray Cross Correlation Analysis Uncovers Hidden Local Symmetries in Disordered Matter

Authors: Peter Wochner, Christian Gutt, Tina Autenrieth, Thomas Demmer,
Volodymyr Bugaev, Alejandro Díaz Ortiz, Agnès Duri, Federico Zontone,
Gerhard Grübel, Helmut Dosch

PNAS published online before print June 29, 2009,

Recommended, with a commentary by Sunil Sinha, University of California San Diego. View Commentary |


Some recent advances in numerical algorithms for quantum many body problems

1) Simulation of interacting fermions with entanglement renormalization
Authors: P. Corboz, G. Evenbly, F. Verstraete, and G. Vidal

2) Fermionic Projected Entangled Pair States
Authors: C.V. Kraus, N. Schuch, F. Verstraete, J.I. Cirac

3) Fermionic multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz
Authors: P. Corboz and G. Vidal

Recommended with a Commentary by Matthias Troyer, ETH Zürich | View Commentary |


Understanding “supernematics” created by dispersing ferroelectric nanoparticles

Theory of Ferroelectric Nanoparticles in Nematic Liquid Crystals
Authors: Lena M. Lopatina and Jonathan V. Selinger, Physical Review Letters 102, 197802 (2009)

Recommended with a Commentary by Slobodan Zumer, University of Ljubljana | View Commentary |


Some New Exact Relations in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases

(1) Energetics of a strongly correlated Fermi gas,
Authors: Shina Tan
arXiv:0505200, Annals of Physics 323, 2952-2970 (2008)

(2) Large Momentum part of fermions with large scattering length
Authors: Shina Tan
arXiv:0508320, Annals of Physics 323, 2971-2986 (2008)

(3) Exact Relations for a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas from the Operator Product Expansion
Authors: Eric Braaten and Lucas Platter
arXiv:0803.1125, Physical Review Letters 100, 205301 (2008)

(4) Universal properties of the ultracold Fermi gas
Authors: Shizhong Zhang and Anthony Leggett
arXiv:0809.1892, Physical Review A 79, 023601, (2009)

Recommended with a Commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio | View Commentary |


Collective mode of Magnetization in Heavy Fermi Liquids

1) Evolution of the Kondo state of Y bRh2Si2 probed by high field ESR
Authors: U. Schaufuß, V. Kataev, A. A. Zvyagin, B. Büchner, J. Sichelschmidt, J. Wykho , C. Krellner, C. Geibel, and F. Steglich., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 076405 (2009)

2) Electron spin resonance in Kondo systems
Authors: Elihu Abrahams and Peter Wölfle
arXiv:0808.0892 , Phys. Rev, B 78, 104423 (2008).

Recommended with a Commentary by Chandra Varma, University of California, Riverside | View Commentary |


How do drops spread over rough surfaces?

Contact angle hysteresis generated by strong, dilute defects.

Authors: Mathilde Reyssat and David Quéré

Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (2009) 3906

Recommended with a Commentary by Julia Yeomans, Oxford University | View Commentary |


The n = 0 Landau level in graphene: Unusual properties in recent experiments

1. The zero-energy state in graphene in a high magnetic field
Authors: Joseph G. Checkelsky, Lu Li, N. P. Ong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 206801 (2008)

2. Divergent resistance at the Dirac point in graphene: Evidence for a transition in a high magnetic field
Authors: Joseph G. Checkelsky, Lu Li, N. P. Ong, Phys. Rev. B 79, 115434 (2008)

3. Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Graphene
Authors: Guohong Li, Adina Luican, Eva Y. Andrei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 176804 (2009)

Recommended with a Commentary by Paco Guinea, Madrid | View Commentary |


Experimental Search for Non-Abelian Anyons

“Measurement of lling factor 5/2 quasiparticle interference with observation of charge e/4 and e/2 period oscillations”

Authors: R. L. Willett, L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West

arXiv:0807.0221; PNAS online doi.10.1073

Recommended with a commentary by Steve Kivelson (Stanford) and Chetan Nayak (Microsoft Station Q and UCSB) | View Commentary |


Controlled Propulsion of Artificial Magnetic Nanostructured Propellers

Authors: Ambarish Ghosh and Peer Fischer

Nano Lett., Article ASAP, May 4, 2009; DOI: 10.1021/nl900186w

Recommended with a commentary by Thomas R. Powers, Brown University | View Commentary |


X-ray Specs: 3D nano-scale resolution imaging with x-rays

Three-dimensional visualization of a human chromosome using coherent x-ray diffraction

Authors: Yoshinori Nishino, Yukio Takahashi, Naoko Imamoto, Tetsuya Ishikawa and Kazuhiro Maeshima

Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 018101 (2009)

Recommended with a commentary by Simon J. L. Billinge, Department of Applied Physics and
Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, and Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory. | View Commentary |


Using Topological Defects as Glue: Hierarchical self-assembly of nematic colloidal superstructures

Authors: M. Skarabot, M. Ravnik, S. Zumer, U. Tkalec, I. Poberaj, D. Babic, and I. Musevic

Phys. Rev. E 77 (2008) 061706.

Recommended and a commentary by Randall D. Kamien, University of Pennsylvania | View Commentary |


A “Superglass” State in Solid 4-He?

Authors: B. Hunt, E. Pratt, V. Gadagkar, M. Yamashita, A. V. Balatsky, and J.C. Davis

arXiv:0904.4914v1 | Science 324, 632 (1 May 2009)

Recommended with a commentary by Tony Leggett, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |View Commentary |


A New Way to Hide Things.

Broadband Ground-Plane Cloak
Authors: R. Liu, C. Ji, J. J. Mock, J. Y. Chin, T. J. Cui, and D. R. Smith.
Science 16 January 2009 323: 366-369

Recommended with a Commentary by Stephen Berry, University of Chicago. | View Commentary (pdf) |


Emergence of the persistent spin helix in semiconductor quantum wells.

Authors: J. D. Koralek, C. Weber, J. Orenstein, A. Bernevig, S. Zhang, S. Mack, and D. Awschalom.
. To appear in Nature, April 2, 2009.

Recommended with a Commentary by Bertrand I. Halperin, Harvard University.  | View Commentary (pdf) |


Casimir Forces near Critical Points of Phase Transitions

1. Direct measurement of critical Casimir forces
Authors: C. Hertlein, L. Helden, A. Gambassi, S. Dietrich, and C. Bechinger,
Nature 451, 172 (2008)

2. Critical Casimir Forces in Colloidal Suspensions on Chemically Patterned Surfaces
Authors: Florin Soyka, Olga Zvyagolskaya, Christopher Hertlein, Laurent Helden, and Clemens Bechinger,
arXiv:0810.1866 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 208301 (2008)

Recommended with a commentary by Mehran Kardar, MIT  | View Commentary (pdf) |


Depinning transition in failure of inhomogeneous brittle materia

Author: Laurent Ponson

cond-mat/0805.1802, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.

Recommended with a commentary by Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, CFM | View Commentary (PDF) |


Ions, electrolytes, nano-pores, ultracapacitors, and energy storage

1. Modeling the selective partitioning of cations into negatively charged nanopores water
Authors: L. Yang, S. Garde
J. Chem. Phys. 126, 084706 (2007)

2. Anomalous Increase in Carbon Capacitance at Pore Sizes Less Than 1 Nanometer
Authors: J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, C. Portet, P. Simon, P. L. Taberna
Science, 313, 1760 (2006)

3. Osmotic water transport through carbon nanotube membranes
Authors: A. Kalra, S.G. Hummer
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 100, 10179 (2003)

Recommended with a Commentary by Albert Migliori, LANL  | View Commentary (PDF) |


