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Experimenting with non-abelian anyons made of qubits

1. Non-Abelian braiding of graph vertices in a superconducting processor Authors: Google Quantum AI and Collaborators Nature 618, 264 (2023); DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05954-4 2. Digital Simulation of Projective Non-Abelian Anyons with 68 Superconducting Qubits Authors: Shibo Xu et al. Chinese Physics Letters, 40, 060301, (2023); DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/060301 3. Creation of Non-Abelian Topological Order and Anyons on […]

The Corbino Paradox for Hydrodynamic Electrons

1. Freely Flowing Currents and Electric Field Expulsion in Viscous Electronics Authors: Michael Shavit, Andrey Shytov, and Gregory Falkovich Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 026801 (2019); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.026801 2. Imaging hydrodynamic electrons flowing without Landauer–Sharvin resistance Authors: C. Kumar, J. Birkbeck, J. A. Sulpizio, D. Perello, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, O. Reuven, T. Scaffidi, Ady Stern, […]

Pomeranchuk effect in twisted bilayer graphene

1. Isospin Pomeranchuk effect and the entropy of collective excitations in twisted bilayer graphene Authors: Yu Saito, Fangyuan Yang, Xiaoxue Liu, Jingyuan Ge, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, J. I. A. Li, Erez Berg, and Andrea F. Young arXiv:2008.10830 2. Entropic evidence for a Pomeranchuk effect in magic angle graphene Authors: Asaf Rozen, Jeong Min Park, […]

Symmetry indicators for topological superconductors

1. Refined symmetry indicators for topological superconductors in all space groups Authors: S. Ono, H. C. Po, and H. Watanabe arXiv:1909.09634 2. Symmetry-based indicators for topological Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonians Authors: M. Geier, P. W. Brouwer and L. Trifunovic arXiv:1910.11271 Recommended with a commentary by Raquel Queiroz and Ady Stern, Weizmann Institute of Science |View Commentary […]

Topological Superconductivity in a Phase-Controlled Quasi-one-dimensional planar Josephson-Junction

1. Evidence of topological superconductivity in planar Josephson junctions Authors: Antonio Fornieri, Alexander M. Whiticar, F. Setiawan, Elías Portolés, Asbjørn C. C. Drachmann, Anna Keselman, Sergei Gronin, Candice Thomas, Tian Wang, Ray Kallaher, Geoffrey C. Gardner, Erez Berg, Michael J. Manfra, Ady Stern, Charles M. Marcus, and Fabrizio Nichele Nature 569, 89-92 (2019); DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1068-8 […]

Time to Respond

1. Artifact Free Transient Near-Field Nanoscopy Authors: A. J. Sternbach, J. Hinton, T. Slusar, A. S. McLeod, M. K. Liu, A. Frenzel, M. Wagner, R. Iraheta, F. Keilmann, A. Leitenstorfer, M. Fogler, H.-T. Kim, R. D. Averitt, and D. N. Basov Optics Express 25, 28589 (2017), arXiv:1706.08478 2. Photonic crystals for nano-light in moir graphene […]

Particle-hole symmetry at the half-filled Landau level

1. Particle-Hole Symmetry in the Fermion-Chern-Simons and Dirac Descriptions of a Half-Filled Landau Level Authors: Chong Wang, Nigel R. Cooper, Bertrand I. Halperin, and Ady Stern Phys. Rev. X 7, 031029 (2017) 2. Particle-hole symmetry and electromagnetic response of a half- filled Landau level Authors: Michael Levin and Dam Thanh Son Phys. Rev. B 95, 125120 […]

Measurements of the thermal edge conductance in a fractional quantized Hall state, with very surprising results at ν= 5/2

1. Observed quantization of anyonic heat flow Authors: M. Banerjee, M. Heiblum, A. Rosenblatt, Y. Oreg, D. E. Feldman, A. Stern, and V. Umansky Nature 545, 77 (2017) 2. Observation of half-integer thermal Hall conductance Authors: M. Banerjee, M. Heiblum, V. Umansky, D. E. Feldman, Y. Oreg, and A. Stern arXiv:1710.00492 Recommended with a commentary […]

Mobilizing Majorana fermions

Chiral Majorana fermion modes in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator-superconductor structure Authors: Qing Lin He, Lei Pan, Alexander L. Stern, Edward C. Burks, Xiaoyu Che, Gen Yin, Jing Wang, Biao Lian, Quan Zhou, Eun Sang Choi, Koichi Murata, Xufeng Kou, Zhijie Chen, Tianxiao Nie, Qiming Shao, Yabin Fan, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Kai Liu, Jing Xia, and […]

Emergent technology based on Fermi-arcs?

1. Transport evidence for Fermi-arc-mediated chirality transfer in the Dirac semimetal Cd3As2. Author: P. J. W. Moll, N. L. Nair, T. Helm, A. C. Potter, I. Kimchi, A. Vishwanath, J. G. Analytis. Nature 535, 266 (2016) 2. Current at a Distance and Resonant Transparency in Weyl Semimetals. Authors: Y. Baum, E. Berg, S. A. Parameswaran, […]

Cavity Quantum Spin Resonance

Controlling spin relaxation with a cavity. Authors: A. Bienfait, J.J. Pla, Y. Kubo, X. Zhou, M. Stern, C.C. Lo, C.D. Weis, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, J.J.L. Morton and P. Bertet. Nature 531,74(2016) Recommended with a commentary by Steven M. Girvin, Yale University. |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_April_2016_02

Topological quantum Lego

Imprint of topological degeneracy in quasi-one-dimensional fractional quantum Hall states. Authors: Eran Sagi, Yuval Oreg, Ady Stern, and Bertrand Halperin. arXiv:1502.01665 Recommended with a commentary by Anton Akhmerov, Delft University of Technology. |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_March_2015_01

Fractionalized two-dimensional states on surfaces of three dimensional topological insulators

1. A Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Phase at the Surface of a 3D Topological Insulator Authors: Parsa Bonderson, Chetan Nayak, Xiao-Liang Qi J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P09016 2. Gapped Symmetry Preserving Surface-State for the Electron Topological Insulator Authors: Chong Wang, Andrew C. Potter, T. Senthil Phys. Rev. B 88, 115137 (2013), arXiv:1306.3223 3. Symmetry Enforced Non-Abelian […]

Experiments on quantum Hall interferometers – towards a measurement of unconventional quantum statistics

1. Role of interactions in an electronic Fabry–Perot interferometer operating in the quantum Hall effect regime. Authors: Nissim Ofek, Aveek Bid, Moty Heiblum, Ady Stern, Vladimir Umansky, and Diana Mahalu. PNAS March 23, 2010 vol. 107 no. 12 5276-5281 2. Distinct Signatures For Coulomb Blockade and Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Electronic Fabry-Perot Interferometers. Authors: Yiming Zhang, […]

Importance of Protein Variablity In Mammalian Cells.

Dynamic Proteomics of Individual Cancer Cells in Response to a Drug Authors: A.A. Cohen, N. GevaZatorsky, E. Eden, M. FrenkelMorgenstern, I. Issaeva, A. Sigal, R. Milo, C. CohenSaidon, Y. Liron, Z. Kam, L. Cohen, T. Danon, N. Perzov, and U. Alon. Published online November 20 2008; 10.1126/science.1160165 (Science Express Research Articles) Variability and Robustness in […]

Quasiparticle charge in the ν = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state

Towards identification of a non-Abelian state: observation of a quarter of electron charge at ν = 5/2 quantum Hall state,Authors: M. Dolev, M. Heiblum, V. Umansky, A. Stern, D. Mahalu and Quasiparticle Tunneling in the Fractional Quantum Hall State at ν = 5/2,Authors: I. P. Radu, J. B. Miller, C. M. Marcus, M. A. Kastner, […]

Organizers, Advisory Committee, and Correspondents in the last two years

Organizers: Alexander GrosbergNew York University Chandra M. Varma, Chief organizerEmeritus, University of California, Riverside Advisory Committee: Paul Chaikin, NYU Steven Girvin, Yale University Andrew Millis, Columbia University Correspondents in the last two years: Ram M. Adar, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | View Contributions | Daniel F. Agterberg , University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee […]

