Colored Noise Models of Active Particles
1. Multidimensional stationary probability distribution for interacting active particles.
Authors: C. Maggi, U.M.B. Marconi, N. Gnan, and R. Di Leonardo.
Scientific Reports, 5,10742(2015)
2. Effective interactions in active Brownian suspensions.
Authors: T.F.F. Farage, P. Krinninger, and J.M. Brader,
Physical Review E 91,042310(2015)
Recommended with a commentary by Mike Cates, University of Cambridge, and Cesare Nardini, University of Edinburgh.
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DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_October_2015_01
I just wanted to add to the nice review of Cates and Nardini that, according to Hanggi and Jung, the multidimensional UCNA should become asymptotically exact also for an infinite correlation time.
This happens in those points of phase space where all the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix associated with the potential are positive.
This may sound as a very restrictive condition, however it is met in some interesting cases. This is for example the case of 2 particles moving in 1d interacting via an inverse power-law potential (soft spheres). Moreover this is the case when particles are confined by a very steep repulsive potential that is spherically symmetric. Both cases are studied in paper I.