'Journal Articles'

Does T* the temperature that defines the onset of the pseudogap regime in underdoped cuprates – correspond to a phase transition or a crossover?

Nature of the enigmatic pseudogap state: novel magnetic order in superconducting HgBa2CuO4+d Authors: Y. Li, V. Balédent, N. Barisic, Y. Cho, B. Fauqué, Y. Sidis, G. Yu, X. Zhao, P. Bourges, and M. Greven, http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.2959 and Thermodynamic signature of a phase transition to the pseudogap phase of YBa2 Cu3 Ox high-Tc superconductor Authors: B. Leridon, […]

Frictional duality observed during nanoparticle sliding

Authors: Dirk Dietzel, Claudia Ritter, Tristan Monninghoff, Harald Fuchs, Andre Schirmeisen, and Udo D. Schwarz arXiv:0805.2448v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] Recommended with a commentary by J. Fineberg, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_May08_01

Surprises in spinor condensates: Spontaneous spin lattice textures.

Commentary on “Spontaneously modulated spin textures in a dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein condensate” Authors: M. Vengalattore, S. R. Leslie, J. Guzman, D. M. Stamper-Kurn arXiv:0712.4182, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 170403 (2008), Recommended with a Commentary by Jason Ho, Ohio State University | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_May08_02

Electronic spin transport and spin precession in single graphene layers at room temperature

Authors: Nikolaos Tombros, Csaba Jozsa, Mihaita Popinciuc, Harry T. Jonkman, Bart J. van Wees, arXiv:0706.1948, Nature 448, 571-574 (2007). Recommended with a Commentary by Roland Kawakami, University of California, Riverside | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_May08_03

Oxygen continues to support superconducting life

About two articles per day in the last month on arXiv.org on the subject of Fe-pnictide Superconductors, some of them referred in the text of the commentary below. Recommended with a Commentary by Zachary Fisk, University of California, Irvine. | View Commentary (pdf) |

Optical probe of electrostatic-doping in an n-type Mott insulator

Authors: M. Nakamura, A. Sawa, H. Sato, H. Akoh, M. Kawasaki, and Y. Tokura, arXiv:cond-mat/0702351v1; Phys. Rev. B 75, 155103 (2007) Recommended with a Commentary by Atsushi Fujimori, University of Tokyo | View Commentary (pdf) |

1. Optimization of the antimicrobial activity of magainin peptides by modification of charge / 2. Physical Basis of Membrane-Charge Selectivity of Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides

Optimization of the antimicrobial activity of magainin peptides by modification of charge Authors: Margitta Dathe, Heike Nikolenko, Jana Meyer, Michael Beyermann, and Michael Bienert FEBS Letters 501, 146-150 (2001) and Physical Basis of Membrane-Charge Selectivity of Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides Authors: Sattar Taheri-Araghi and Bae-Yeun Ha Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 168101-1–16801-4 (2007) Recommended with a commentary […]

GaN Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Laser at Blue-Violet Wavelengths.

Authors: H. Matsubara, S. Yoshimoto, H. Saito, Y. Jianglin, Y. Tanaka and S. Noda. Science 319, 445 (2008) Recommended with a commentary by Stephen Berry, University of Chicago. | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Mar08_01

Anderson Localization in Cold Bosonic Atoms.

Density modulations in an elongated BEC released from a disordered potential. Authors: David Cl ́ement, Philippe Bouyer, Alain Aspect, and Laurent Sanchez-Palencia. http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.1984 Disorder-induced trapping versus anderson localization in Bose-Einstein condensates expanding in disordered potentials. Authors: L. Sanchez-Palencia, D. Cl ́ement, P. Lugan, P. Bouyer, and A. Aspect. http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.1774 Effect of interactions on the localization […]

Quasiparticle charge in the ν = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state

Towards identification of a non-Abelian state: observation of a quarter of electron charge at ν = 5/2 quantum Hall state,Authors: M. Dolev, M. Heiblum, V. Umansky, A. Stern, D. Mahaluhttp://arxiv.org/abs/0802.0930 and Quasiparticle Tunneling in the Fractional Quantum Hall State at ν = 5/2,Authors: I. P. Radu, J. B. Miller, C. M. Marcus, M. A. Kastner, […]

Spatial determination of magnetic avalanche ignition points

Authors: Reem Jaafar, S. McHugh, Yoko Suzuki, M.P. Sarachik, Y. Myasoedov, E. Zeldov, H. Shtrikman, R. Bagai, G. Christou http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0703448 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (2008) 695–698 Recommended with a commentary by Albert Migliori, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory. | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_February08_01

Crystalline silicon that conducts heat like a glass

1. Silicon nanowires as efficient thermoelectric materials Authors: A.I. Boukai, Y. Bunimovich, J. Tahir-Kheli, J.K. Yu, W.A. Goddard III, J.R. Heath Nature 451, 1680 (2008) 2. Enhanced thermoelectric performance of rough silicon nanowires Authors: A.I. Hochbaum, R.K. Chen, R.D. Delgado, W.J. Liang, M. Najarian, A. Majumdar, and P.D. Yang Nature 451, 1680 (2008) Recommended with […]

Topological Band Insulators in two and three dimensions in spin-orbit coupled systems

A. Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Graphene Authors: A. C. Kane and G. Mele http://arXiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0411737 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 226801 (2005) B. Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Topological Phase Transition in HgTe Quantum Wells Authors: A. Bernevig, T. Hughes, S.C. Zhang http://arXiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0611399 Science, 314, 1757 (2006) C. Topological invariants of time-reversal-invariant band structures Authors: J. […]

Nanoparticle Structure: Going beyond Pictures

Structure of a thiol monolayer-protected gold nanoparticle at 1.1 A resolution, Authors: Pablo D. Jadzinsky, Guillermo Calero, Christopher J. Ackerson, David A. Bushnell and Roger D. Kornberg Science 318 430 (2007) Recommended with a commentary by Simon J. L. Billinge, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University. | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Jan08_01

First passage times in complex scale-invariant media

Authors: S. Condamin, O. B ́enichou, V. Tejedor, R. Voituriez, J. Klafter. http://arXiv:0711.0682 Nature 450, 77-80 (2007) Recommended with a Commentary by Bernard Nienhuis, University of Amsterdam | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Jan08_02

Clues to the Hidden Order Parameter in URu2Si2 through Inelastic Neutron Scattering Measurements

Authors: C.R. Wiebe, J.A. Janik, G.J. MacDougall, G.M. Luke, J.D. Garrett, H.D. Zhou, Y.-J. Jo, L. Balicas, Y. Qiu, J.R. D. Copley, Z. Yamani, and W.J. L. Buyers. http://Arxiv:0710.0896v2 Recommended and a Commentary by Chandra Varma, University of California, Riverside. | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Jan08_03

The Fermi Surface of underdoped high-Tc superconductors

Quantum oscillations and the Fermi surface in an underdoped high-Tc superconductor Authors: Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, Cyril Proust, David LeBoeuf, Julien Levallois, Jean-Baptiste Bonnemaison, Ruixing Liang, D.A. Bonn, W.N. Hardy and Louis Taillefer Nature, 565 (31 May 2007). and Electron pockets in the Fermi surface of hole-doped high-Tc superconductors Authors: David LeBoeuf, Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, Julien Levallois, R. […]

End-to-End Stacking and Liquid Crystal Condensation of 6- to 20- Base Pair DNA Duplexes

Authors: Michi Nakata, Giuliano Zanchetta, Brandon D. Chapman, Christopher D. Jones, Julie O. Cross, Ronald Pindak, Tommaso Bellini, and Noel A. Clark Science 318 (2007) 1276 Recommended and a commentary by Randall D. Kamien, University of Pennsylvania | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Dec07_02

Evidence for Spin-Chiral Edge Transport in HgTe Quantum Wells

Authors: M. Konig, S. Wiedemann, C. Brune, A. Roth, H. Buhmann, L. W. Molenkamp, X-L Qi, S-C Zhang, Science 318, 766 (2007) Recommended and a Commentary by Leonid Levitov, MIT | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM Dec07 03

Single artificial-atom lasing

Authors: O. Astafiev, K. Inomata, A.O. Niskanen, T. Yamamoto, Yu. A. Pashkin, Y. Nakamura, and J.S. Tsai Nature 449, 588 (2007) http://arXiv:0710.0936 Recommended and Commentary by Steven M. Girvin, Yale University | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Nov07_01

