'Journal Articles'

Surfing on (or drowning under?) the threshold

Memories from the ergodic phase: the awkward dynamics of spherical mixed p-spin models Authors: G. Folena, S. Franz, and F. Ricci-Tersenghi arXiv:1903.01421 Recommended with a commentary by Francesco Zamponi, Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_June_2019_03 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_June_2019_03

X-ray Fourier holography of free-flying nanoparticles

Femtosecond X-ray Fourier holography imaging of free-flying nanoparticles Authors: Tais Gorkhover, Anatoli Ulmer, Ken Ferguson, Max Bucher, Filipe R. N. C. Maia, Johan Bielecki, Tomas Ekeberg, Max F. Hantke, Benedikt J. Daurer, Carl Nettelblad, Jakob Andreasson, Anton Barty, Petr Bruza, Sebastian Carron, Dirk Hasse, Jacek Krzywinski, Daniel S. D. Larsson, Andrew Morgan, Kerstin Mühlig, Maria […]

Is the undoped cuprate a simple antiferromagnet?

Giant thermal Hall conductivity from neutral excitations in the pseudogap phase of cuprates Authors: Gaël Grissonnanche, Anaëlle Legros, Sven Badoux, Etienne Lefrançois, Victor Zatko, Maude Lizaire, Francis Laliberté, Adrien Gourgout, Jianshi Zhou, Sunseng Pyon, Tomohiro Takayama, Hidenori Takagi, Shimpei Ono, Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, and Louis Taillefer arXiv: 1901.03104 Recommended with a commentary by Dung-Hai Lee, U.C. […]

A River Through Quantum Hall Valleys

Interacting multi-channel topological boundary modes in a quantum Hall valley system Authors: Mallika T. Randeria, Kartiek Agarwal, Benjamin E. Feldman, Hao Ding, Huiwen Ji, R. J. Cava, S. L. Sondhi, Siddharth A. Parameswaran, and Ali Yazdani Nature 566, 363-367 (2019) Recommended with a commentary by Liang Fu, MIT |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_April_2019_01 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_April_2019_01

Quantum Simulation of Gauge Theories and Inflation

1. Self-Verifying Variational Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Schwinger Model Authors: Christian Kokail, Christine Maier, Rick van Bijnen, Tiff Brydges, Manoj K. Joshi, Petar Jurcevic, Christine A. Muschik, Pietro Silvi, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, and Peter Zoller arXiv:1810.03421 2. Probing quantum critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator Authors: Alexander Keesling, Ahmed Omran, Harry […]

Dancing is allowed in steady-states

Non-equilibrium systems have steady-state distributions and non-steady dynamics Author: Tanniemola B. Liverpool arXiv:1810.10980 Recommended with a commentary by Ramin Golestanian, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (Göttingen) and University of Oxford |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_April_2019_03 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_April_2019_03

Evidence of an anomalous metallic phase in a high temperature superconducting device

Quantum coherence across bosonic superconductor-anomalous metal-insulator transitions Authors: Chao Yang, Yi Liu, Yang Wang, Liu Feng, Qianmei He, Jian Sun, Yue Tang, Chunchun Wu, Jie Xiong, Wanli Zhang, Xi Lin, Hong Yao, Haiwen Liu, Gustavo Fernandes, Jimmy Xu, James M. Valles Jr., Jian Wang, and Yanrong Li arXiv:1901.07706 Recommended with a commentary by Steven A. […]

Phase diagram of the triangular lattice Hubbard model

Observation of a chiral spin liquid phase of the Hubbard model on the triangular lattice: a density matrix renormalization group study Authors: Aaron Szasz, Johannes Motruk, Michael P. Zaletel, Joel E. Moore arXiv:1808.00463 Recommended with a commentary by T. Senthil, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_March_2019_02 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_March_2019_02

Nucleosomes as treadmills

Chromatin remodelers couple inchworm motion with twist-defect formation to slide nucleosomal DNA Authors: Giovanni B. Brandani, Shoji Takada PlOS Comput Biol 14, e1006512 (2018) Recommended with a commentary by Helmut Schiessel, Leiden University |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_March_2019_03 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_March_2019_03

Jamming Aspherical Cows

1. Universality of jamming of nonspherical particles Authors: C. Brito, H. Ikeda, P. Urbani, M. Wyart, F. Zamponi Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 116, 11736-11741 (2018) 2. Translational and orientational glass transitions in the large-dimensional limit : a generalized replicated liquid theory and an application to patchy colloids Authors: H. […]

Fractional Quantum Hall from Overlap of Electron-Hole Bands

Fractional Excitonic Insulator Authors: Yichen Hu, Jörn W. F. Venderbos, C. L. Kane Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 126601 (2018), arXiv:1806.05681 Recommended with a commentary by Ashvin Vishwanath, Harvard University |View Commentary (pdf)|

New correlated phenomena in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene/s

1. Tuning superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene Authors: Matthew Yankowitz, Shaowen Chen, Hryhoriy Polshyn, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, David Graf, Andrea F. Young, Cory R. Dean Science 24 Jan 2019: eaav1910 2. Emergent ferromagnetism near three-quarters filling in twisted bilayer graphene Authors: Aaron L. Sharpe, Eli J. Fox, Arthur W. Barnard, Joe Finney, Kenji Watanabe, […]

Time to Respond

1. Artifact Free Transient Near-Field Nanoscopy Authors: A. J. Sternbach, J. Hinton, T. Slusar, A. S. McLeod, M. K. Liu, A. Frenzel, M. Wagner, R. Iraheta, F. Keilmann, A. Leitenstorfer, M. Fogler, H.-T. Kim, R. D. Averitt, and D. N. Basov Optics Express 25, 28589 (2017), arXiv:1706.08478 2. Photonic crystals for nano-light in moir graphene […]

Geometric frustrated assemblies

How geometric frustration shapes twisted fibres, inside and out: competing morphologies of chiral filament assembly Authors: Douglas M. Hall and Gregory M. Grason Interface Focus 7: 20160140 (2017) Recommended with a commentary by Roya Zandi, University of California, Riverside|View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_January_2019_02 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_January_2019_02

The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Big Bang

CPT-Symmetric Universe Authors: Latham Boyle, Kieran Finn, and Neil Turok Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 251301 (2018) Recommended with a commentary by Robijn Bruinsma, University of California, Los Angeles. |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_December_2018_01 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_December_2018_01

The Variational Playground for Machine Learning in Statistical Physics

Solving Statistical Mechanics using Variational Autoregressive Networks Authors: Dian Wu, Lei Wang, and Pan Zhang arXiv:1809.10606 Recommended with a commentary by Giuseppe Carleo, Flatiron Institute. |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_December_2018_02 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_December_2018_02

Spontaneous vortex formation and Majorana zero mode in iron based superconductor

1. Observation of a robust zero-energy bound state in iron-based superconductor Fe(Te,Se) Authors: J. X. Yin, Zheng Wu, J. H. Wang, Z. Y. Ye, Jing Gong, X. Y. Hou, Lei Shan, Ang Li, X. J. Liang, X. X. Wu, Li Jian, C.S. Ting, Z. Q. Wang, J. P. Hu, P. H. Hor, H. Ding and […]

A revolution in the simulations of super-cooled liquids and glasses

Models and algorithms for the next generation of glass transition studies Authors: Andrea Ninarello, Ludovic Berthier, and Daniele Coslovich Phys. Rev. X 7, 021039 (2017) Recommended with a commentary by Giulio Biroli, École Normale Supérieure, Paris. |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_November_2018_01 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_November_2018_01

Solving metallic quantum criticality in a casino

1. Monte Carlo Studies of Quantum Critical Metals Authors: E. Berg, S. Lederer, Y. Schattner, and S. Trebst Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics, arXiv:1804.01988 2. Superconductivity mediated by quantum critical antiferromagnetic fluctuations: The rise and fall of hot spots Authors: X. Wang, Y. Schattner, E. Berg, and R. M. Fernandes Physical Review B 95, […]

Electronic bands of twisted graphene layers

1. Origin of Mott Insulating Behavior and Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Authors: Hoi Chun Po, Liujun Zou, Ashvin Vishwanath, and T. Senthil arXiv:1803.09742, Phys. Rev. X 8, 031089 (2018) 2. Symmetry, Maximally Localized Wannier States, and a Low-Energy Model for Twisted Bilayer Graphene Narrow Bands Authors: Jian Kang and Oskar Vafek arXiv:1805.04918, Phys. Rev. […]

