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Creating, moving and merging Dirac points with a Fermi gas in a tunable honeycomb lattice

1. Creating, moving and merging Dirac points with a Fermi gas in a tunable honeycomb lattice Authors: Leticia Tarruell, Daniel Greif, Thomas Uehlinger, Gregor Jotzu and Tilman Esslinger. arXiv: 1111.5020. Recommended and a commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, Ohio State University |View Commentary (pdf)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_February_2012_03

Observation of KPZ super-diffusion in Heisenberg chain

Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion Authors: David Wei, Antonio Rubio-Abadal, Bingtian Ye, Francisco Machado, Jack Kemp, Kritsana Srakaew, Simon Hollerith, Jun Rui, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Norman Y. Yao, Immanuel Bloch, and Johannes Zeiher arXiv:2107.00038 Recommended with a commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, The Ohio State University |View Commentary (pdf)| This commentary may be cited as: DOI: […]

A Newly found Bose-Einstein Condensate of G-wave molecules

Atomic Bose-Einstein condensate to molecular Bose-Einstein condensate transition Authors: Zhendong Zhang, Liangchao Chen, Kaixuan Yao, and Cheng Chin arXiv:2006.15297 Recommended with a commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, The Ohio State University |View Commentary (pdf)| This commentary may be cited as: DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_November_2020_02

Successful Engineering of a Yang Monopole

Observation of a non-Abelian Yang Monopole: From New Chern Numbers to a Topological Transition Authors: Seiji Sugawa, Francisco Salces-Carcoba, Abigail R. Perry, Yuchen Yue, and Ian B. Spielman arXiv:1610.06228 Recommended with a commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, The Ohio State University. |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_February_2018_02

An Aharonov-Bohm interferometer for determining Bloch band topology

An Aharonov-Bohm interferometer for determining Bloch band topology. Authors: L. Duca, T. Li, M. Reitter, I. Bloch, M. Schleier-Smith, U. Schneider. Science 347, 288 (2015) Recommended with a commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, OSU. |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_May_2015_02

Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model

Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model. Authors: G. Jotzu, M. Messer, R. Desbuquois, M. Lebrat, T. Uehlinger, D. Greif, and T. Esslinger. arXiv:1406.7874v1 Recommended with a commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, OSU |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_October_2014_01

Odd Parity Time-Reversal Violating Order in Cold Bosons

Interaction-induced chiral px+ipy superfluid order of bosons in an optical lattice. Authors : M. Olschlager, T. Kock, G. Wirth, A. Ewerbeck, C. Morais Smith, and A. Hemmerich. New Journal of Physics, 15 (2013) 083041 Recommended with a Commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, Ohio State University |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_September_2013_02

Spin-Orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates

1. Spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate Authors: Y.-J. Lin, K. Jiménez-García; & I. B. Spielman (2011) Nature 471, 83-86 (2011) Recommended and with a commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, The Ohio State University | View Commentary (PDF) | DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_March_2011_02

Synthetic magnetic fields for ultracold neutral atoms

Authors: Y.-J. Lin, R. L. Compton, K. Jimenez-Garcia, J. V. Porto, and  I. B. Spielman, Nature, vol. 462, 628 December (2009) Recommended with a Commentary by Tin-Lun Ho, Ohio State University. | View Commentary (pdf) | DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_April_2010_02

Some New Exact Relations in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases

(1) Energetics of a strongly correlated Fermi gas, Authors: Shina Tan arXiv:0505200, Annals of Physics 323, 2952-2970 (2008) (2) Large Momentum part of fermions with large scattering length Authors: Shina Tan arXiv:0508320, Annals of Physics 323, 2971-2986 (2008) (3) Exact Relations for a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas from the Operator Product Expansion Authors: Eric Braaten […]

New Developments with cold atoms.

New Developments with cold atoms. Free Fermion Antibundching in a Degenerate Atomic Fermi Gas Released from an Optical Lattice Authors: T. Rom, Th. Best, D. van Oosten, U. Schneider, S. Folling, B. Paredes, and I. Bloch, Nature 444, 733-736 (2006). Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect for boson versus fermions Authors: T. Jeltes, J.M. McNamara, […]

The Continued Saga of Fermions with Unequal Spin Population

Phase diagram of a two-component Fermi gas with resonant interactions Authors: Yong-il Shin, Christian H. Schunch, Andre Schirotzek, Wolfgang Ketterle, arXiv:0709.3027 and Deformation of a trapped Fermi gas with unequal spin population Authors: G.B. Partridge, Wenhui Li, Y,.A. Liao, R.G. Hulet, M. Hague, H.T.C. Stoof, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 190407 (2006). Recommended with a Commentary […]

Critical Behavior of a Trapped Interacting Bose Gas

Authors: T. Donner, S. Ritter, T. Bourdel, A. Ottl, M. Kohl, T. Esslinger, Science 315, 1556 (2007) Recommended with a commentary by Tin-Lun (Jason) Ho, Ohio State University | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_May07_02

Organizers, Advisory Committee, and Correspondents in the last two years

Organizers: Alexander GrosbergNew York University Chandra M. Varma, Chief organizerEmeritus, University of California, Riverside Advisory Committee: Paul Chaikin, NYU Steven Girvin, Yale University Andrew Millis, Columbia University Correspondents in the last two years: Ram M. Adar, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | View Contributions | Daniel F. Agterberg , University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee […]

Evidence of condensation of Fermion pairs in dilute Fermi gases near Feshbach resonance

1. Observation of Resonance Condensation of Fermionic Atom Pair Authors: C. A. Regal, M. Greiner, and D.S. Jin Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 220403. (2004) 2. Observation of the Pairing Gap in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas Authors: C. Chin, M. Bartenstein, A. Altmeyer, S. Riedl, S. Jochim, J. Hecker Denschlag, and R. Grimm Science 20, […]

Some Remarkable Developments in Bose-Einstein condensation of Molecules

A.  “Bose-Einstein Condensation of Molecules” Authors: S. Jochim, M. Bartenstein, A. Altmeyer, G. Hendl, S. Riedl, C. Chin, J. Hecker Denschlag, R. Grimm B.  “A Molecular Bose-Einstein Condensate Emerges From a Fermi Sea” Authors: Markus Greiner, Cindy A. Regal, and Deborah S. Jin C.  “Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Molecules” Authors: M.W. Zwierlein […]

