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A Quantitative, Theoretical Framework for Understanding Mammalian Sleep

Authors: Van M. Savage and Geoffrey B. West Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 1051-1056 (2007) Recommended with a Commentary by Elisha Moses, Weizmann Institute, Israel. | View Commentary (pdf) | JCCM_Sept07_02

Again about Schrödinger’s “aperiodic crystal”

1. Properties of Rouse polymers with actively driven regions Authors: Dino Osmanovic J. Chem. Phys. 149, 164911 (2018), DOI: 10.1063/1.5045686 2. Delayed Excitations Induce Polymer Looping and Coherent Motion Authors: Andriy Goychuk, Deepti Kannan, and Mehran Kardar Phys Rev Lett, v. 133, 078101 (2024), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.0781016 3. Role of Charge Sequence in Polyampholyte Aggregation Authors: […]

From RVB to supersolidity: the saga of the Ising-Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice

1. Continuum excitations in a spin-supersolid on a triangular lattice Authors: M. Zhu, V. Romerio, N. Steiger, S. D. Nabi, N. Murai, S. Ohira-Kawamura, K. Yu. Povarov, Y. Skourski, R. Sibille, L. Keller, Z. Yan, S. Gvasaliya, and A. Zheludev arXiv.2401.16581 DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2401.16581 2. Phase Diagram and Spectroscopic Evidence of Supersolids in Quantum Ising Magnet […]

Single spin electron spin resonance (ESR) using scanning tunneling microscope (STM): sensors and qubits

1. A quantum sensor for atomic-scale electric and magnetic fields Authors: Taner Esat, Dmitriy Borodin, Jeongmin Oh, Andreas J. Heinrich, F. Stefan Tautz, Yujeong Bae, and Ruslan Temirov arXiv to appear (Preprint is available upon request from the authors) 2. Spatiotemporal ecological chaos enables gradual evolutionary diversification without niches or tradeoffs Authors: Yu Wang, Yi […]

Hunting of the Spin-Liquids

1. Unconventional Magnetic Oscillations in Kagome Mott Insulators Authors: Guoxin Zheng, Yuan Zhu, Kuan-Wen Chen, Byungmin Kang, Dechen Zhang, Kaila Jenkins, Aaron Chan, Zhenyuan Zeng, Aini Xu, Oscar A. Valenzuela, Joanna Blawat, John Singleton, Patrick A. Lee, Shiliang Li, and Lu Li arXiv:2310.07989; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.07989 2. Dirac quantum spin liquid emerging in a kagome-lattice antiferromagnet […]

Oddness in the spin-S Kitaev honeycomb model

1. Anisotropy as a diagnostic test for distinct tensor-network wave functions of integer- and half-integer-spin Kitaev quantum spin liquids Authors: Hyun-Yong Lee, Takafumi Suzuki, Yong Baek Kim, and Naoki Kawashima Phys. Rev. B 104, 024417 (2021); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024417 2. Z2 Spin Liquids in the Higher Spin-S Kitaev Honeycomb Model: An Exact Deconfined Z2 Gauge Structure […]

Local probes and superconductivity in magic angle twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene

1. Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene Authors: Myungchul Oh, Kevin P. Nuckolls, Dillon Wong, Ryan L. Lee, Xiaomeng Liu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, and Ali Yazdani Nature 600, 240–245 (2021); DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04121-x arXiv:2109.13944 ; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2109.13944 2. Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene Authors: Hyunjin Kim, Youngjoon Choi, Cyprian Lewandowski, […]

Un-quantized Vortices Observed

Observation of superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum Authors: Yusuke Iguchi, Ruby Shi, Kunihiro Kihou, Chul-Ho Lee, Vadim Grinenko, Egor Babaev, and Kathryn A. Moler arXiv:2301.12368; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2301.12368 Recommended with a commentary by Jung Hoon Han, Sungkyunkwan University and Patrick A. Lee, MIT |View Commentary (pdf)| This commentary may be cited […]

The mystery of anomalously long-ranged screening in concentrated ionic systems

1. Ionic liquids behave as dilute electrolyte solutions Authors: M. A. Gebbie, M. Valtiner, X. Banquy, E. T. Fox, W. A. Henderson, and J. N. Israelachvili Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 110, 9674 (2013); DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1307871110 2. The electrostatic screening length in concentrated electrolytes increases with concentration Authors: A. M. Smith, A. A. Lee, and […]

A New Twist on High-Tc Superconductivity

1. Twisted van der Waals Josephson Junction Based on a High-Tc Superconductor Authors: Jongyun Lee, Wonjun Lee, Gi-Yeop Kim, Yong-Bin Choi, Jinho Park, Seong Jang, Genda Gu, Si-Young Choi, Gil Young Cho, Gil-Ho Lee, and Hu-Jong Lee Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 10469-10477; DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c03906 2. Emergent Interfacial Superconductivity between Twisted Cuprate Superconductors Authors: S. Y. […]

What can we learn from the nickelate vs. cuprate phase diagrams?

Character of the “normal state” of the nickelate superconductors Authors: Kyuho Lee, Bai Yang Wang, Motoki Osada, Berit H. Goodge, Tiffany C. Wang, Yonghun Lee, Shannon Harvey, Woo Jin Kim, Yijun Yu, Chaitanya Murthy, Srinivas Raghu, Lena F. Kourkoutis, and Harold Y. Hwang arXiv:2203.02580; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2203.02580 Recommended with a commentary by Atsushi Fujimori, National Tsunghua […]

Quantized (or not quantized) thermal Hall effect and oscillations in the thermal conductivity in the Kitaev spin liquid candidate α-RuCl3

1. Oscillations of the thermal conductivity in the spin-liquid state of α-RuCl3 Authors: Peter Czajka, Tong Gao, Max Hirschberger, Paula Lampen-Kelley, Arnab Banerjee, Jiaqiang Yan, David G. Mandrus, Stephen E. Nagler, and N. P. Ong Nature Physics 17, 915–919 (2021); DOI: 10.1038/s41567-021-01243-x 2. The planar thermal Hall conductivity in α-RuCl3 Authors: Peter Czajka, Tong Gao, […]

Moiré bands in transitional metal dichalcogenides: continuous Mott transition, quantum anomalous Hall and more

1. Quantum criticality in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides Authors: Augusto Ghiotto, En-Min Shih, Giancarlo S. S. G. Pereira, Daniel A. Rhodes, Bumho Kim, Jiawei Zang, Andrew J. Millis, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, James C. Hone, Lei Wang, Cory R. Dean, and Abhay N. Pasupathy Nature 597, 345–349 (2021); DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03815-6 arXiv:2103.09796 2. Continuous Mott transition […]

A pathway to parafermions

Induced superconductivity in the fractional quantum Hall edge Authors: Önder Gül, Yuval Ronen, Si Young Lee, Hassan Shapourian, Jonathan Zauberman, Young Hee Lee, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Ashvin Vishwanath, Amir Yacoby, and Philip Kim arXiv:2009.07836 Recommended with a commentary by Jason Alicea, California Institute of Technology |View Commentary (pdf)| This commentary may be cited as: […]

Doped copper oxygen planes in a clean habitat

Observation of small Fermi pockets protected by clean CuO2 sheets of a high-Tc superconductor Authors: So Kunisada, Shunsuke Isono, Yoshimitsu Kohama, Shiro Sakai, Cédric Bareille, Shunsuke Sakuragi, Ryo Noguchi, Kifu Kurokawa, Kenta Kuroda, Yukiaki Ishida, Shintaro Adachi, Ryotaro Sekine, Timur K. Kim, Cephise Cacho, Shik Shin, Takami Tohyama, Kazuyasu Tokiwa, and Takeshi Kondo Science 369 […]

Can electrons attract each other without the help of phonons?

1. Electron attraction mediated by Coulomb repulsion Authors: A. Hamo, A. Benyamini, I. Shapir, I. Khivrich, J. Waissman, K. Kaasbjerg, Y. Oreg, F. von Oppen, and S. Ilani Nature 535, 395 (2016); DOI: 10.1038/nature18639 2. Charge Transfer Excitations, Pair Density Waves, and Superconductivity in Moire Materials Authors: Kevin Slagle and Liang Fu arXiv:2003:13690 3. Correlated […]

Arrest in Coarsening in Biological Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation – or – ‘It ain’t necessarily so …’

1. Hydrodynamically Interrupted Droplet Growth in Scalar Active Matter Authors: Rajesh Singh and M. E. Cates Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 148005 (2019), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.148005 2. Physics of active emulsions Authors: Christoph A Weber, David Zwicker, Frank Jülicher, and Chiu Fan Lee Rep. Prog. Phys. 82, 064601 (2019), DOI:10.1088/1361-6633/ab052b Recommended with a commentary by Tom McLeish, University […]

Electronic structure, magnetism, and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates

1. Electronic structure of the parent compound of superconducting infinite-layer nickelates Authors: M. Hepting, D. Li, C. J. Jia, H. Lu, E. Paris, Y. Tseng, X. Feng, M. Osada, E. Been, Y. Hikita, Y.-D. Chuang, Z. Hussain, K. J. Zhou, A. Nag, M. Garcia-Fernandez, M. Rossi, H. Y. Huang, D. J. Huang, Z. X. Shen, […]

Is the undoped cuprate a simple antiferromagnet?

Giant thermal Hall conductivity from neutral excitations in the pseudogap phase of cuprates Authors: Gaël Grissonnanche, Anaëlle Legros, Sven Badoux, Etienne Lefrançois, Victor Zatko, Maude Lizaire, Francis Laliberté, Adrien Gourgout, Jianshi Zhou, Sunseng Pyon, Tomohiro Takayama, Hidenori Takagi, Shimpei Ono, Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, and Louis Taillefer arXiv: 1901.03104 Recommended with a commentary by Dung-Hai Lee, U.C. […]

Spontaneous vortex formation and Majorana zero mode in iron based superconductor

1. Observation of a robust zero-energy bound state in iron-based superconductor Fe(Te,Se) Authors: J. X. Yin, Zheng Wu, J. H. Wang, Z. Y. Ye, Jing Gong, X. Y. Hou, Lei Shan, Ang Li, X. J. Liang, X. X. Wu, Li Jian, C.S. Ting, Z. Q. Wang, J. P. Hu, P. H. Hor, H. Ding and […]

