
A pathway to parafermions

Induced superconductivity in the fractional quantum Hall edge Authors: Önder Gül, Yuval Ronen, Si Young Lee, Hassan Shapourian, Jonathan Zauberman, Young Hee Lee, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Ashvin Vishwanath, Amir Yacoby, and Philip Kim arXiv:2009.07836 Recommended with a commentary by Jason Alicea, California Institute of Technology |View Commentary (pdf)| This commentary may be cited as: […]

One-way supercurrent controlled by magnetic field

Observation of superconducting diode effect Authors: Fuyuki Ando, Yuta Miyasaka, Tian Li, Jun Ishizuka, Tomonori Arakawa, Yoichi Shiota, Takahiro Moriyama, Youichi Yanase, and Teruo Ono Nature, 584, 373 (2020); DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2590-4 Recommended with a commentary by Liang Fu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |View Commentary (pdf)| This commentary may be cited as: DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_April_2021_02 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_April_2021_02

What happens if a drunkard is asked to walk a full circle around a lake in a short time?

Brownian flights over a circle Authors: Alexander Vladimirov, Senya Shlosman, and Sergei Nechaev Phys. Rev. E 102, 012124 (2020); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.012124 Recommended with a commentary by Alexander Y. Grosberg, New York University |View Commentary (pdf)| This commentary may be cited as: DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_April_2021_03 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_April_2021_03

