
An apparent quantized thermal Hall effect in a magnetic insulator

Majorana quantization and half-integer thermal quantum Hall effect in a Kitaev spin liquid Authors: Y. Kasahara, T. Ohnishi, Y. Mizukami, O. Tanaka, Sixiao Ma, K. Sugii, N. Kurita, H. Tanaka, J. Nasu, Y. Motome, T. Shibauchi, and Y. Matsuda arXiv:1805.05022 Recommended with a commentary by Leon Balents, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, UCSB. |View Commentary […]

A breakthrough in many body quantum chaos

1. Many-body quantum chaos: Analytic connection to random matrix theory Authors: Pavel Kos, Marko Ljubotina, and Tomaž Prosen Phys. Rev. X 8, 021062 (2018) 2. Exact spectral form factor in a minimal model of many body quantum chaos Authors: Bruno Bertini, Pavel Kos, and Tomaž Prosen arXiv:1805.00931 Recommended with a commentary by Rahul Nandkishore, University […]

