
Electron-electron Interactions in Bilayer Graphene

1. Broken Symmetry States and Divergent Resistance in Suspended Bilayer Graphene Authors: Benjamin E. Feldman, Jens Martin, and, Amir Yacoby arXiv:0909.2883, Nature Physics 5, 889 (2009) 2. Local Compressibility Measurements of Correlated States in Suspended Bilayer Graphene Authors: Jens Martin, Benjamin E. Feldman, R. Thomas Weitz, Monica T. Allen, and Amir Yacoby arXiv:1009.2069, Phys. Rev. […]

Computational Topology for Configuration Spaces of Hard Disks

1. Computational Topology for Configuration Spaces of Hard Disks Authors: Gunnar Carlsson, Jackson Gorham, Matthew Kahle, and Jeremy Mason arXiv:1108.5719 Recommended with a Commentary by Randall D. Kamien, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA. |View Commentary (PDF)| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_September_2011_02 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_September_2011_02

A New Phase in Oxide Interface Research

1. Electronic Phase Separation at the LaAlO(3)/SrTiO(3) Interface Authors: Ariando, X. Wang, G. Baskaran, Z. Q. Liu, J. Huijben, J. B. Yi, A. Annadi, A. Roy Barman, A. Rusydi, S. Dhar, Y. P. Feng, J. Ding, H. Hilgenkamp, and T. Venkatesan Nature Communications 2, 188 (2011). 2. Coexistence of Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in Two Dimensions […]

