
1. Single-Molecule, Motion-Based DNA Sequencing Using RNA Polymerase. / 2. Sequence-Resolved Detection of Pausing by Single RNA Polymerase Molecules.

1. Single-Molecule, Motion-Based DNA Sequencing Using RNA Polymerase Authors: William J. Greenleaf and Steven M. Block Science 313, 801 (2006). 2. Sequence-Resolved Detection of Pausing by Single RNA Polymerase Molecules. Authors: K. M. Herbert, A. La Porta, B. J. Wong, R. A. Mooney, K. C. Neuman, R. Landick and S. M. Block Cell 125, 1083-1094 […]

Height variables in the Abelian sandpile model:scaling fields and correlations

Authors: Monwhea Jeng, Geoffry Piroux and Philippe Ruelle J. Stat. Mech.(2006) P10015 arXiv.org/cond-mat/0609284 Recommended with a commentary by Deepak Dhar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai | View PDF | JCCM_November06_02

Tuning the heavy-fermion ground state in Ce-115 by Cd doping and hydrostatic pressure.

Authors: L. D. Pham, T. Park, S. Maquilon, J. D. Thompson and Z. Fisk. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 056404 (2006). http://arXiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0611654 Recommended with a commentary by H. v. Löhneysen, Universität Karlsruhe, Physikalisches Institut and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Germany | View PDF | JCCM_November06_03

